T>14 pgc
3 bfuries left! Shop at c1fm4
Sorry it was a typo. I only have 5 bfuries :'(
625m ea or 6 ws/cs for all
32 tma single earring 725m sb 750m aw - 12 int 36 tma 1.6b sb 1.7b aw - 14 int 40 tma 3.2b sb 3.5b aw - 15 int
Why was this one blacklisted then?
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] IGN: MartialZZZ Reason: Hiding a 3 slot single earring amongst 4 slot ones and pricing it the same. Pretty scummy if ya ask me
I'd like to join! 187 hero here :)
18int, 168m.att ewand 5 (186 TMA) 1.7b s/b 1.85b a/w
Hey, isn't 16INT+9M.ATT=25 TMA?
40 TMA Earrings s/b - 3.2b a/w - 3.5b 36 TMA Earrings (14 int) s/b - 1.5b a/w - 1.7b or offer thx Sold: [spoiler] I take WS/CS at 500m Store...
A/w fish snake cherry blossom
Craven sold, pantsu left
28 int doroness (F), 7 int white rac mask, 32 TMA (12/20) single earrings, and 26 TMA (9/17) maple shield ALL for 2.5b only selling as a set...
73/11 red craven 300m [ATTACH] 19/8 thief pants (lv 80) (M) 250m [ATTACH] or 500m for both *I can only log on to trade on weekends, very rarely...
Wow, caro wb!
sorry nvm busy :'(
IGN : Saiha Job / Level : Hero / 180 (atm) Date(s) Attending : 16th Needed Loots : HTP+Egg Need HB? (Yes / No) : No
I'd like to aw it :)
Separate names with a comma.