ending bid 5 days from now
S/B 1b A/W 2.5b C/O 1.3b @Anthrodynia ending bid when I feel like it [ATTACH]
Mr. Bovlacki you bring up great points, as of late my late nights have been in disarray. More consideration for the hardcore gamers please! My...
Only looking for a perfect clean ele 7. (155 matt), no less
finally i see the face behind that beautiful singing voice ~f15
IGN: JohnFKennedy
Go away
a/w sock
IGN: JohnFKennedy Class: I/L Level: 187 Loots (Helms/Skillbooks/Fun): FUN
I've reinstalled everything: https://gyazo.com/bd133dc02b2621dd76d4e746b6f7b30b I tried directly uploading the screenshot but it wouldn't let me ~f6
Yeah, they're all in the same folder
I play MapleLegends but not often. I also played MapleTrap about a week ago just to try out different classes.
Honestly, I have absolutely no idea. Me and my friend decided to duo Zakum arms for fun. When I used a heartstopper I got DC'd and got this ban...
Character Name: 87la Last thing you did: Zakum with my buddy Why do you think you got banned?: autoban Ban message when attempting to log in:...
Florida ~f14
Event: Royals Paparazzi Your IGN: JohnFKennedy The character's IGN: Rr95 The character's level: 52 [SPOILER]
Grats to both!
#2 @TeiKim
Welcome to Royals! Enjoy your stay.
Separate names with a comma.