Thx 4 help,Chief. And my last part of the quest completed was The jigsaw.I got same issue.
Hi,The Royal Stuff. There's a problem,which is 7th Anniversary Medal Challenged doesnt work. As the picture(.jpg),which is upload,I'd finish all...
OK! I C. Thank u Is there any chance for remedy? like cancel all my NX cash I was wrong.....
Character Name: KIYOTA Last thing you did: nothing....just as usual Why do you think you got banned?: I wanna to know why?? Ban message when...
請問我跟女朋友相互使用帳號(他可以開我的我可以開他的)這樣也算濫用嗎?? 忽然帳號被鎖了@@
Team Members: PigPigEmily , PigPigVictor Category: Most Creative Tree Concept of tree (optional) Hello,royals. This is the first time I...
Hello mates~ I'd search,in Forums,about what's the NX pet food for Fluffram. But found this only >>...
我只是覺得樓主不用說這麼多。 個人覺得最好的方法還是樓主乾脆直接退出這遊戲,以後永遠都不要再玩了會比較好。 一來,斷掉一切的羈絆,挺好的;其次,遊戲真的不缺妳一個,少了妳遊戲依然存在,樓主請安心離去吧! 莫再念什麼人情味不人情味了~
Thank u ~ Karven love u so much~
appreciate that everything u done. Thank U!!
Chracter Name: KIYOTA Last thing you did: Just attacking Samiho... Why do you think you got banned: I don't know!! Is damang 2077 high?:( Ban...
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