How can I change my pin? Or prove that's it my account and have GM change/fix it? I've been inactive for a while, but I'm back now and I...
Just came back from a.. two year break [:confused:] Tryna make some new middle of the night grinding buddies [:)] (downloading it right now as I...
Character Name: Lucid Last thing you did: Use gacha, forgot what town. Why do you think you got banned?: I really don't know. Ban message when...
I was setting up shop in FM then for some reason, it logged me out. Now the game is say my shop is open and I can not open it, but it's not even...
[IMG] From the house I just moved from.... I hate my grandmother's house!! :(
Good luck with that lol, I had a hard time myself trying to get the game to first start. ~f11
Hi and welcome to this awesome server! My IGN is PinkishBud, if you ever want to chat/grind with someone ♥
[IMG] Just moved back into my grandmother's house, which btw, I have been dying to move back since ever, and turns out the wifi sucks...... fml......
Once it hits the big screen, I'll send you an invite! ~f17
I've actually never met anyone from Maple in IRL. I did try once, after Big Bang came out, and there was a splurge of new players. His name was...
@KWJ I feel you on all types of levels.
@Jasonions , You're accpeted! You may whisper either myself, PinkCleric/PinkishBud. Or Fresher/iKiNG - both are very active so you won't miss...
@Sim Lin Zheng , thannkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkks sim <3 Once I get high enough, I'll leech you. f3 ~ [EDIT] Hahahaha, meant that in many different ways!
Hello @Cohort ! We don't have skype group yet because tech issues with my laptop at the moment. But we're still very chatty and currently trying...
In-Game name: Pinkish Are you also looking for an alliance?
Thank for saying that after I posted it ~f5
Hello, hi. Are mules allowed to join? I have a side character, I won't be using for a little bit, but I love the thought of a pride guild!
OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH! I hope you don't mind, but I'll be bookmarking this and using it to inform my guild members as well! You made it this...
I don't know if I have a graphic card. They first started to appear when I was coming back from afk'ing when I pressed 'Tab' and 'Alt' so I could...
[IMG] This popped up, I pressed Yes and nothing happened.
@DontBanPlz Hey, Hi awesome person.. Sooo... these black boxes are back again and their VERY angry. It won't leave my screen now.. I restart my...
Separate names with a comma.