Amazing, "I hope you f****** die" over a 20m skill book. That's so pathetic haha
Since when does not supporting GMs policing scamming == supporting scamming? Like they are two completely different mind sets.
What a ridiculous poll, shouldn't it be at least pretend to be unbiased, and not have a clear agenda if you actual want feedback. Like trying to...
It's a shame the thread got locked really, was very much hoping to get a small loan of one million WS so I could make my Perfect Purple Sleeve and...
lol the biggest threat to having my personal fb is that people I know IRL could find out I play this game, not that I'm some distrustful scammer...
Well it finally happened and blizzard have announced that official Vanilla servers are in development. People have been asking for these for many...
Biding closed congrats @Buccaneer Message me in game on "Spectbish" or let me know on forums when you can trade
Selling in one hour from now 3pm UTC C/O at 13 WS
Not going to slow roll it, will sell tomorrow afternoon/evening. Around 24 hours after listing.
Looking for a fresh start post new source and I am thinking about making an AM as a main farming class. I already have a bishop, but with the nerf...
Title, willing to be flexible with stats on trade and can use mesos to make up for int differences Ign Spectabish/Spectahero
This is a known issue yea. You don't have to disable it every time you play, you can temporarily disable it while downloading and installing and...
As long as everyone else in a similar situation with similar evidence gets treated the same way as Sila from this point onwards then I suppose...
The holy trio of un-popularity is F/P, Paladin and Marksman. F/P ends up being pretty expensive since they share gear and weapons with bishops....
Well that is not what I though when I saw this thread. If you took that as an attack I'm sorry. Talking about 10% is over complicating this. So...
Every scroll you use is completely mutually exclusive and nothing done before it will have any bearing on the chance of the success. You can fail...
Looking to buy two of them. Ideally I'd like to buy them for around 150m Each, if that doesn't work for you just message me in game and we can...
Leveling a full int NL without your own bishop would be incredibly difficult. For that much hp you might be looking at leeching until around...
As somebody who has no connection to the people involved, I would definitely be more inclined to say that he/she didn't break rule 28 and neither...
Political rhetoric does not belong on this forum.
Passed MW 20 first time which means all my expensive skill books are done! [spoiler] Feels really good to not have to stress about landing them...
Even with Mystic door, 90 seconds to leave, NPC everything and come back feels like it's cutting it incredibly close. When you add a little bit of...
90 seconds is likely not even enough time to go and npc a full inventory of gear, which is essential is terms of making grinding profitable....
Name: Ben Age: 23 IGN: Spectabish Alternate character: N/A, I only actively play one character right now. Previous guilds: 'Queens' around 2...
Separate names with a comma.