You won the bid, I am out of town for work but we can make the trade happen on saturday
LRhaegoL or Rhaedgar or EdgarD, I rarely log in but you can send me a friend request on LRhaegoL so we can settle this trade.
Noted will be selling in 48 hrs after your post
Hi everyone, just bumping my thread and letting people know I will not sell anonimously under any circumtances, doesn´t matter the price offered...
Thread reopened as I am willing to sell now.
Last 20 LUK was sold for 4b. This might be slighty higher Ref:
My cape is sold. I have the meso on me to make the deal. DM over discord to make it happen.
@xKHx you won the bid please DM me ur IGN and times online so I can log in and sell the item. TY.
Im about to sell my cape
Of course I do. Selling in 48hrs.
Offering 42b in coins+cs/ws Need time to sell my old cape.
As per title I am selling my 19 att cape to buy a 20 att one [ATTACH] Not accepting any downgrades accepting cs/ws @500m each Sold for 31b to @xKHx
Buying 17 att for my 16 att FS + 11.5b
BFC sold, EP still available.
Nvm, I checked my guilds guide i think is a bit too high. Retracting s/b.
16 att FS + 15b for 18 att FS
Still buying, if need full CS/WS lmk so I can sell my 19 att
Paying 19 att BFC + top up in cs&ws
Sold to this fine gentleman. I'll DM you for details.
Sorry. Not accepting downgrades.
Noted selling in 24 hrs after ur post
[ATTACH] 13 att BFC SOLD at 5.5b [ATTACH] 13 STR EP S/B 750m A/W 900m
Help me valuate this or i chaos again[ATTACH] Ty
Still available
Pls buy i need to upgrade cape ty
Separate names with a comma.