Made CPQ leech great again xD
cara eu entro as vzs... se quiser add: Tchubiroba
LMPQ was a good alternative... u could farm red ciders
oh ok, no problem! Just curious, u bought for 1.2b?
@Becca I can sell u the giant teddy bear chair... if u still looking
no momento esse tipo de guild não existe... espero ter ajudado!
This is one of the most reasonable requests I've seen in this forum
adicionei o Callista na minha BL (são 2 L mesmo neh?), o NL tava full a lista.... loga la que eu te add
Fala Felipe, segue novo link: Qual seu IGN? Posso te add na guild BR se quiser
This happens and it's allowed. There is nothing you can do.... It's a typical example of a "gray zone", like we have in the real world. Obs:...
Voltei a jogar esses dias... Vocês ainda tão ativos? Qual o seu nick?
Thank you. I was gonna buy some SP reset at CS, since it was my mistake, but they're unavailable.
IGN: Tamerlane Problem: allocated them wrongly
I know ppl say "just give it some time". But for me 2 months should be time enough to fix it or have the decency to realize this is not working....
Neither, i understand the situation and gonna ask them to make their own
I see, so it's "I wash my hands"
IGN : Gabii, BrMartinez, Fuuhrer Last thing you did: Gabii was talking to the GM Why do you think you got banned? It says Account Sharing...
Separate names with a comma.