yes im 100% sure go for it
So i have to much going on in real life that i cant play anymore so please ban me for like 6 months thanks!! Character: LazyBun and iiiiii
bump selling in 6 hours
S/B 1.4b C/O 1.4b A/W 1.8b
free bump
22 tma single earring 350m ch 1 fm 10 top
yup its untradeable as well
hes not selling it anymore -.- thanks anyway raine<3
Veamoth Sword 5b
Event: Guess the nx My IGN: iiiiii The Amount of NX Cash is: 30000
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heart wand baba blue ring red rose nx weapon petit rose and sweet heart att potion free hug cat chair my girlfriend coin sword 5k nx 2k nx amorian...
bro is sleeping
Sorry I have to withdraw my offer Racoon mask
bump 3.5b
Single earring 22tma 8int 400m ch 1 fm8
Separate names with a comma.