rc sold, updated post
[ATTACH] now there are 2 perf wrenches @Aelyssia goodbye royals
[IMG] :) thread closed
yay! post updated, bid ends at 4: 36am PST 11/28/2021 (I can make the trade a bit earlier than this before I go to bed tonight :p )
bump sold bwg and adjusted price for rc
bump i got mesos to spend
this man rly tryna scalp 2H BW 30 like other ppl are buying these kekw
all goood, thread updated!
bump, selling the RC to @Zacerino in a lil over 24hrs if no other bids!
updated c/o! bid will end on 11/13/2021 at 11:53am
last bump before selling the bwg tonight!
updated post with c/o! will sell the RC to @Zacerino on 11/12/2021 at 8:24PM PST
serious post // bump
yay! always happy to support a fellow frog enthusiast // will sell the bwg to @Pet Frog in 72hrs from their post (11/10/2021 11:45pm PST )
lemme give you a few b coins when I sell everything brother :love:
let me and @Aelyssia throw 100b at a monkey wrench
? is it time? s>23att bwg, 91/19 craven, 13att fs, 15att bfc
lemme make a perf monkey wrench
p o g g e r s
changed his mind after having the godliest hour at ulu1 LMFAO
Separate names with a comma.