No, but this is the key for you to white every VL run. I know you need this spear. Sweet sweet price
[ATTACH] bump add this.
bump, add 110 clean kanzir
列出你所有的角色名稱(IGN):Lapka, nacl3 DonatorLin ... 你希望加入的角色名稱(IGN):Lapka 加入過的公會歷史以及離開的原因:NNNN CheezyX 目前都還在 為什麼想加入我們:想解鎖更多頻道的權限 感謝
Hi I am an old player, I just hope that you will not give all your items, I wish you could still in this big community. I feel like if you give up...
Sry guy, I screwed it, I scroll one more CS on it and -5 ..., the sale end.:(
Bump and lower sb.
6fs for 1.7, will you be interested in it?
191 wand 5 for 2^31-1 meso.
11/78rc for 2.05b
add 40/7 white pioneer
Update c/o and will end the sale within 24hr. Bump
Bump, add 149 att claymore
Would you accept 40.5B as offer? If yes, I would like to co 40.5B. Or do you accept that 150+topup for 110dsb+70ws(but need sometime to sell my...
update the c/o, will end the sale within 24hrs
Ok I will add you as co, will end the sale within 24hr, you could follow the sale in my post...
Separate names with a comma.