410m for penguin
leave your offer please :D ign: Caraien | or inbox me [IMG]
It's been almost 4 months... :'(
Hacked , sorry :( I'll close this thread since all the items above are taken by hacker.
Well I think there's another flaw since there're some ppl hacked these days , including me. It's impossible that everyone has poor account...
Seems like GMs do roll back ppl' s characters which were hacked , but the last time they saved databases was at 7/20. And I saw some ppl's...
IGN: Caraien Problem: Hacked Details: I haven't played MapleRoyals for a serveral days , when I logged on my bm just now , My weapon (126att...
What an amazing equip!!! Here's a free bump!
Then offer it ! ;) - Since @kennysimm hasn't responded my inbox message, the bid of overall will be continued.
Noted :3
[IMG] s/b: 350m c/o: SOLD for 350m to @kennysimm a/w: 700m [IMG] s/b: 300m c/o: a/w by @Harlan a/w: 600m [IMG] s/b: 100m c/o: n/a a/w: 200m...
IGN:OGCingz , Caraien , Allahn Problem: server mass dc Details: my BS dced at the first , I thought it was my problem , and then whole server...
IGN: OGCingz , Caraien , Allahn , Yuqiao Problem: The server was unstable , requesting for a rewarp Details: ss here [IMG]
IGN (Name): OGCingz (Tommy) Job/Level: Night Lord / 152 Country: Taiwan Time Zone: GMT-6 Why you want to join Exile: I'm looking for a friendly...
150m top , and I have the same question ^
A/W 7/22 thief top
1.3b for RC
SOLD for 3.25b , sorry
1.5b for 126att one , scoop sell me plz <3
S/B Craven, Do you accept max mesos(cover tax)?
Separate names with a comma.