S>11 att pgc 3.5b0:)
s/b: 750m a/w:1.2b Accept ws and chaos as 300m each 0:) IGN: Lodaaaa
Bump, marker and bandana sold
122 att 9 str 4slot pinaka [IMG] S/B: 800m A/w:TBD 16int green bandana: Sold 7 int red marke Sold and my store is in 3-3 :)
s/b on 93 att 5 slot
lodaaaa,u ready for the trade?
a/w for the 11 att pgc
sry already scrolled.:'(
IGN : lodaaaa if anyone interested0:)
k can i get ur ign pls? I will let u know when i get the mesos
i really appreciate it. It will take me at most 1 week for this. Btw u accept ws for 310m?
umm i probably will sale leech for couple days for this but i am not sure how long it will take. I will buy it if not sold in the future :)
accept ws or chaos?
Just asking when u gonna sale this?
IGN: lodaaaa pm me offer pls!
All sold ^^
bathrobe sold
Separate names with a comma.