[ATTACH] Hi, I am selling 19/1wa VL boots, coz I can't afford to scroll the last slot. s/b 85b accept: 119KC as 25B 17wa shoes 32B 19wa BFC 32B...
I'm sorry for not expressing clearly at first, which caused a misunderstanding. It will be sold out by the first person that leave the price set....
great! inbox my IGN ty!
[ATTACH] LF>14wa+6b >13wa+10b CS/WS @470
It works. THX :)
ALL Your Character Names:THEcolorwolf DPSmachine Last thing you did:Last week, i played DPSmachine and gach in shroom , got 2cs and scrolled it....
c/o 1.3b for some reason will sell in 30min
C/O 1.1b. Sell in 24hr if no more offer.
lower the s/b
s/b 750M a/w 850M accept CS/WS as 420M
[ATTACH] s/b 1.1B accept CS/WS as 420M
S>7wa FS s/b 1.95B a/w2.05B acept CS/WS as 400m
sold out
s/b 1.8b a/w 1.9b only accept b coins and meso ty~
withdraw my offer ~ got one in game
13 cs/ws
8ws+4cs for KC
bid end ty~
Sry, someone offered for 15wa shoes +5b.
Thx for some inbox offer. I unify reply here, the c/o is 14wa+10b or 15wa+5b. If no one offer higher,i will sell out in 48hr from now on.
Separate names with a comma.