Thank you. May I inquire what the issue was, as to avoid it in the future? Did I accidentally overlap a vote once or what got me flagged?
Oh, I might add. a little under a year ago, my gf was staying with me, and I made her play a little bit of maplestory, and at that time she would...
I mainly vote on my main account, which LegendaryDK is on, I think I voted a couple of times on the NeckRomancer account just to get enough for...
ALL Your Character Names: LegendaryDK (I have other characters on this account, but struggle to remember their names since I only play on this one...
is minimum level requirement still 10? :o
Yes I do! :) Tell me whenever you got time and we can set it up :3
Does it have to be my own pet? :eyes: I live in an apartment so I can't have any, but I have friends with cute pets x3
Welp... title says it all-- if anyone else is looking to do it hmu @LegendaryDK
Win 10, I had issues logging on, turned out initially it was the antivirus that crashed the game. After I made an exception for it, it allowed me...
Currently following: - One Punch Man (Manga, tho) - Kings Avatar - Hunter x Hunter (Manga) Ones I would recommend: - No Game No Life - Log...
I don't. It's not worth it.
5/50 I think.. atleast 2 of them were fuzzy for me :x
Yeah, I feel you bro. I'm gettin' a tad disinterested as well. Not sure if I can start up again when its fully functional again. I haven't played,...
I play the bass-- Also a little guitar. I'm trying to learn piano now :x What kinds of music do you guys like to play? I prefer Funk/Blues--...
I still use my first-made mail.
Player 13
9/10-- I love the outfitt and the colours-- just not the face that the character is making xD
Why didn't you post your own ign so we can add you? ^^ I have a low lvl account on NA, and I'd be glad to play with you sometime, add:...
Wow she's cute :x I'm sure she's just trying to take good care of you ^^
I can't put my ms in window mode, which is a tad annoying. Everytime I have to do anything else I have to minimize it, and it fucks up all other...
Dude, how did you die with 5 million hp?! xD
Separate names with a comma.