For me, Matt, this fix seems to have worked. i've launched it on a Monday and Wednesday this week and no issue. I appreciate the work you guys are...
i have been informed there is a fix here: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/crash-to-desktop-after-selecting-character-entering-pic.156666/
I guess I should update my own situation with this issue. Some days the game works and other times it doesn't. At this point it feels completely...
As of the Update 65.1 patch, I no longer have this issue. Anyone in this thread that is having this problem should download the new patch and see...
I tried installing the game into a separate folder so it's a clean install, but same issue.
It is every character. I've tried on 2 different accounts, multiple characters. Same issue.
Ever since update 65, I have been unable to play MapleRoyals despite my best efforts. I've attempted every fix i could find in the threads since...
Would it be possible to just fix it? Also, it's still selectable in the male hairstyles from Headward. EDIT: I checked Headward on my female...
I finally did it! Been making a lot of improvements on my character and i'm happy to have been the first ironman to get a black belt from the...
TIME TO NECRO THIS THREAD! Remember when we had level rankings on the main site? Has anything changed in the past 2 years to make this viable...
Broke over 5k recently! would love an update to my ranking. thanks! [ATTACH]
We did another guild run! We totally failed at signing for the run and everyone accidentally used up their daily runs entering and leaving the...
It seems to be impossible for me to change my hair to the Damien style in page 3 of the donor hairstyles. I tried in 2 colors (black and red) and...
This post says literally every issue I also had with the last 2 events. Thanks for the post and I hope the next events can be better! I'm still...
There aren't any real "glitches" as far as i know. The only downside is that you end up seeing stuff that you probably shouldn't see, like empty...
lol yeah the best build is to max other booster (not iron will lmao) and then use dragon fury polearm. dragon fury polearm is better than dragon...
This is a great idea and should totally be implemented, but i figure that the amount of effort it would take to implement means it'll probably...
Bumping this thread because it's actually a good idea.
This could be considered mildly offtopic, but could be relevant for the purposes of criticizing ME so I'll just throw it in here anyway. The...
I'm glad you value shadower main's opinions because otherwise we would feel left out in the cold, being underrepresented and all. I disagree with...
I'm not sure how this is going to come off, but I really hate the idea of my shadower's effectiveness being determined by a bunch of people who...
I didn't claim anywhere in my post that it was "unplayable" or "unviable" and I personally played shadower without using MouseKeys for a majority...
So I got ranting in discord about my distaste for the most recent changes of shadowers and I thought I would take a moment to share with the staff...
Taiwan no. 9079
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