Okay, thank you for your time regarding this case. Sorry for my foolish mistakes. I'll remember not to make the same mistakes my next lifetime...
Ahhh okay I see... Because if you checked the login IP of those accounts, I really have not played them at all. I only touch MinaMina and...
Any updates please? :(
Yeah sometimes I go downstairs and play with him on my other laptop, but BottomLess is mostly logged in from my desktop if you can confirm that....
He is my brother :) we used to play together (not on the same account of course)
Character Name: BottomLess Last thing you did: Do not remember, last played a few months ago Why do you think you got banned?: Not too sure myself...
550 dex mask
400m dex racc
300m dex raccoon
26 INT Doro Sold!
420m bathrobe
Withdraw Offer bought 1 in game
Post here what u got~
FS 1.2b
a/w sock, find me ingame: BottomLess
Craven sold!
FS Sold! Added new craven!
Separate names with a comma.