Selling this Red Craven. [ATTACH] Straight sale at 8cs (goes for 8-10cs). Need gone ASAP.
As title, buying 85 + att Red Craven. Let me know what you've got :)
S>81/13 for 10cs
"i don't Misleading people, i even name my store 15m per teeth set.. people still but them. i use any means in my arsenal to earn money on other...
It is not against the rules. You are not in trouble. You have the right to set whatever price you want, and ultimately the buyers are the ones who...
I'll sell 81/13 for 10cs
S/b of 6b for the craven
Added to poll :P
The way I see it RWT, hacking, and the economy are all indirectly linked together. As stated above, RWT does not directly affect the economy. It...
Here's me being super nitpicky. Perhaps I'm just blind, but for as long as I've played maple every time I see alliance chat I think someone is...
I have no idea on price either, but better be wayyyyy more than 4.5b. 20 dex and 16 int ~f10
It's on a timer. I believe 3 minutes. So if you don't attack for 3 minutes, map ownership is lost. Next person to attack a mob gains map ownership.
These already exist in a few maps, but I believe were turned off on Royals a few months ago. I know there is one in wraiths map and I wanna say...
1.7b on 15 att scg
I don't see a change needing to be made for a 5m/hr difference, it's not game-breaking. If people are willing to do that constantly for an hour...
Perhaps you shouldn't party with thugs.
Aye, but its not underrated. Everyone knows that game is the shit.
Agreed. Most underrated N64 game.
Step 1: Buy a Gameboy from like 1998 Step 2: Buy Pokémon game (preferably yellow, blue, or red) Silver and gold are kickass too. Step 3: See you...
8cs +200m
Separate names with a comma.