Well, I could only thank you Royals for being here these 4 years in my life. Thank you guys and staff for the effort. @Dave Deviluke especially...
I just want to mention, I did not use the same credential for my password :< Moreover, I am thankful for the time and effort spend by the staff....
@Dave Deviluke @Tim but apparently my ID may be the same. However, my PIN and PW are different from other servers. There is no way to roll my...
Any updates :( Its been almost 2months soon
Oh well, I guess I will have to wait BC
Waking up in another few hours more.. I left with literally 6 hours of sleep. Wew
On 9th Feb 2021, 12.03 AM (GMT +8) That's where I realize my items and Mesos were missing :(. [ATTACH]
I believe my items are still in my account as of 5th Feb 2021 12.04 AM (GMT+8) which is server time 4PM + I believe. as that was the 2nd last time...
Mesos if I never recall wrongly should be around 500-800m CS / WS = I should have 1 -2 i think
Hi, @Dave Deviluke @Tim. Thank you for the effort and times for the restore. However, the restoration did not restore back to my original state....
Hi, @Tim thank you for the unbanned. However, the restoration: "We have restored the accounts that were accessed by the malicious users back to a...
Any updates :(
Bump @Sen Will there be recovery option?
@Dave Deviluke understood, still thank you <3 Appreciate it
Can this thread be re-open its the same as iDante's situation
Your Character Names: Alanore Last thing you did: Talking to Madori and Churun about my account getting hacked in CC4 FM and had posted on forum...
@kyoko3102 I couldn't recall as I have too many things on my plate. I do use same credential but different pin though
Thank you @Dave Deviluke I would like to add on for better references Items that were missing w stats: ST WA 146 BFC WA 11 FS WA 8 Meso lost =...
@GermanKiddo Thanks for the empathy, @Dave Deviluke and other GM who is reading.. Even if the item could not be refunded or compensate or revert...
Hi @Dave Deviluke can the gamemaster revert or trackback if I was hacked by hacker and ban them? Even if items cannot be refund or compensate or...
Please use the following format when posting in Character Issues: IGN: Alanore Problem: Items went missing Details: on 9/2/21, upon logging in to...
Feel free to leave your offer as I am trying to clear this away cheap :) Item will be sold within 12 hours or less. Or you can PM me in-game....
Giving out free stuff to those who need it. PM me in-game or leave me a message here. IGN: Alanore [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Items all gave away Will...
IGN: Alanore Country: SG JOB: Hero Level: 162 Gender: M
Separate names with a comma.