[ATTACH] @Cynn haha idiot
Been awhile since I last uploaded a meme :donke: no hard feelings eh [ATTACH]
You know shit ain't right when Josh did what he did. And now this. Funny enough, I don't think this will be the last one either. also fuck you jae
Ngl but this feels more like you trying to paint that guy in bad light instead of sharing story on how you screwed up your MTK sale.
Ok for real though, you guys must be high in copium if you think he's gonna give back the 29b after all the memes and shit these past few days...
Should have just said "Yeah I took the claymore, so?" and spam F2 everywhere you go.
In retrospect, what do you guys think about nany's bow now? :chillin: @Don help me out a little
I randomly remember about this forum and come back here to login again but have to go retrieve the 6 code verification from my gmail every time...
DrK tier S if it's sparky95, trust
IDK man, I'm no mathematician genius and I barely graduated from high school, but I think at least 2. Maybe 2 and a half.
Wait until you've seen what I have in my pants.
Anjing goblok
I appealed for it :classy: law abiding citizen
Maybe karma for not deleting Breloom for you after all these years. Worth it though. Fuck you I'm never giving Breloom to you ~f5
and it moans
JK don't ban me please
Playing Nikke during NNN is tough.
Server wipe and restart from 0 when?
My haemorrhoid is killing me. 24/7 getting butt f**ed.
It's true, Nightlords are the most sensitive bunch and largely a**hats. Take Petard for an example. I saw Petard at a grocery store in Los...
Give you godmode and 999999hp also not enough
[MEDIA] throwback to the past
I started browsing mapleroyals forum again.
Separate names with a comma.