@Diphenhydramine that would be a great thing to do haha.. @maggles I still chat with Edd, I have his phone number and some others that used to...
already answered ingame, I do not srry
Let me know if u accept 500m. Blessings!
Hello everyone! So as the title says, I'm trying to sell my Rare Christmast Bell NX Weapon that I don't remember when I got it, but is probably...
@maggles u did and u actually answered me xD but not all my questions! haha
yuup @maggles I sent u a private message a couple days ago asking if the guild was still alive and if u were playing with any of these.. or maybe...
haha, idk if u guys remember me from the old time but yeah such a good time. I will probably keep my buddy list like this just to remember why I...
Hey guys, so after idk.. couple years I decided to come back.. I got SO nostalgic after opening my buddy list.. I still recognize a couple igns.....
Player 2 :C
[IMG] c/o: 180m - Dessi a/w: - -
BST is like GMT+1 right ?? if this is correct I can join PapiGuid0x Drk 172 Mw 20
Sold at 100m ! Thank you all for participate! Close this plz ! TY
Can I have them for free? I will take care of them until u decide to come back :$
Ok I will set the a/w in 100m and this auction finish on Sunday Night (Argentinian Time xD) ! Thank you !
[IMG] c/o: a/w: SOLD 100m
I'll be 50 miles from u Daniel ! :P
Great ! I'll be there on July 13th if all go good.. the embassy is having trouble printing the VISAS so I'm still waiting for my passport but I...
7att 4 slots facestompers + 1b for 12 att ones
I got one Wisp PapiGuid0x (With a Zero instead of an "O" ) special pricer for u :P
I don't have Idea man.. (No tengo idea hermano)
how much do u want for each item?
Omg.. plz keep ur nose in ur posts.. if u are not going to offer a 103 or 104 Sky ski clean plz dont answer this thread.. I Dont want a 105 ATT 6...
have u seen any 104 att clean in this server? I just saw 2 of them and both are perma banned that is why I want 103 or 104.. and if I dont find...
Separate names with a comma.