Actually im not quiting royals because of that you could say im transferring lol.
Alrighty lets try this again. f3 So i havent played in a week or so except for the time i came on to gach. However, i didnt stay for that long...
They are so pure. So soft so cuddly. ~f4 [spoiler]
So, today i met a few nublets in fm looking to KPQ. I joined them because 1. i love nooblets and 2. i love kpq so it was a match made in heaven....
You read it incorrectly Lol. ~f2 And i know all that information too
Hi Seth ^^; I havent met you in-game yet. If you need any help let me know! ~f2 I like to run around all kinds of maps in chnl1 so im sure you'll...
I wrote a book. I know i've only been here for that long, but what about my view on new in-coming maplers? Is the main focus keeping the old...
Thanks, although im less thankful to mapleroyals now when i found out the lack of strictness to keep the v62 originality....ex: fixing LPQ, HPQ,...
WHOA LOL HOW DID U GET THAT. ~sparkling this must be the best photo ever LOL.
I had the most amazing time doing LPQ with a few buddies i met today. Even though we only went up to Stage 7 because of -certian glitches- , we...
"A True Breast Lover". His face makes it seem like its some sort of path of honor. ahahaha ~f2
Awesome ~f2 ! Bowmans are super fun though they are kinda slow until 3rd job-ish ~ray
This would be the perfect place to show off my huge tits [spoiler]
Hi Moose ^^ Looks like we study something similar ~f2 ! Do you know what job youre going to be yet? Lots of people are bishops so maybe you'll...
What toothpaste does he use?
Welcome ^^ I'm sure you'll find what youre looking for here. and if you get lucky you'll meet some really nice people =) I'd love to hear...
my dog [IMG] [IMG]
I guess it's just a decision to be a v62 server with imported v142, or be a v62 server that is 100% original. ~f4 If we import all the cool...
Hi. I've already met you in-game and i think i joined the time you did ~sweetness. Stop being lazy and do CPQ so we can train together,...
Wow! Thanks for telling me that ~f2 ! But, it also makes me alittle sad that it wont be a true v62 server then Lol. Where everything is dedicated...
I thought about that. But we have Showa Town and Singapore so... not having them seems completely odd. I guess if they got added to their towns...
Compassions Countenance - VIP Singapore and REG/VIP Showa Town but the NPCs are unclickable, and its not listed in Singapore. Innocent - Which...
Is this thread still in conversation? :confused: I hope you dont mind if i leave my opinion ^^; It might be long~ Good thing theres no...
Thank you :D But, I have never met you. ^_^'
Thank you everyone ^_^'
Separate names with a comma.