Started, though I won't be playing too much the coming days I've deleted and remade Ridduhr, now to be a DK :D
I am amazed this thread is still somewhat active. Thinking about trying this out again!
inb4 grey skull, post an image of the stats!!
Alright, because being an Iron Man isn't hardcore enough for us we've decided to host a weekly challenge/event within the guild. What we do is we...
That massive duck-rage in the chat tho! ^_^'
Woot Ironman's first Hat! Grats mate!
Just gached this badboy after 43 tickets @CBD! Above average too! :love: [IMG]
Yay! Finally a White K [IMG]
Welcome and good luck!
Welcome and grats on level 3!
We already have an Ironman guild, as you know by now! Welcome and good luck! Edit: Gear-upgrade, just found this top! :love: [IMG]
Rule no 3. No parties with other players (Also includes Leeching) - As an Ironman you stand alone in the cruel but sweet world of Maplestory you...
I'm so sorry @Samadhi :'( [IMG]
It's taking me about 2-3hours to grind 4 ingredients. After turning in the quest twice I got 2 pies. As a person who works a full-time job I can...
15str 15dex 25accuracy 6attack HYPE!
Awesome, thanks for the confirmation! :D
Okay Simon, you were right telling me not to worry. I just found this (perfect?) pair of trousers. Words can not explain my happiness right now....
Bone helmets! Hours of questing, worth it! [IMG]
Welcome to the challenge and good luck!
Man, I'm having a blast! Guild is very friendly and awesome so far! Another headgear update, LOOK AT THIS SMEXY BANDANA: [SPOILER] Updates:...
Just found a new helm, I CAN BREATHE AGAIN! (and smile foreals now) [IMG]
Welcome to the guild, good luck!
Update: Page :D [IMG]
Update: Level 29, obtained and scrolled this badboy. May the countless slimes sacrificed in order to obtain 5 scrolls rest in piece. [IMG]
Update: Level 27. Kinda wishing I was a bandit after this perf Wagner drop! [IMG]
Separate names with a comma.