IGN: Sakurin Name: Al Timezone: Central European Time (UTC+1) How long you've been playing Royals: One year, then a reaaaaaally long break and now...
Oh, sorry, I was not at my computer for a few days and didn~t see this until now! Great, if you're buying for AutoWin! Contact me In Game as soon...
Item has been sold, please dispose of the thread if you can, thank you to anyone who was interested!
I changed compability to Windows XP Service Pack 3, and the game worked again. Strange that suddenly the Windows 7 Compability stopped working...
I in fact do. It was reccomended to me to run it in Compability Mode for Windows 7. My OS is Windows 10
I was doing the PPQ when I got a random disconnect, booting me back to the title screen. There, I was unable to log back in, getting stuck in Log...
NAME: Alex IGN: Sakurin JOB/LEVEL: Fighter/54 TIMEZONE: GMT+2 RANDOM DUCK FACT: Ducks are dinosaurs
My personal reccomendations for Anime would be Kill La Kill, Digimon Tri, and especially Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Hello everyone! I'm known as Saku, I found this server through someone on tumblr, and immidiately decided to give it a try, since Maple Story used...
Separate names with a comma.