You have a deal sir :)
Offer > First Love T-Shirt x2 for 700M
Shay's MapleRoyals Price Guide is still being updated! Hover over a cell to see when each item was last updated <3 sheets/d/1IihQJyMnLJjj7NMhWV_rInWISFcm3BXMrJgVGVtqi9s/edit?usp=sharing Remove the space between spread and sheet...
Hey! Steel ores are being listed around 150-300K in the FM and Mithril ores are being listed for 300k & up! (last checked on 7/2/19) Check out my...
The Lefay Jewel is being sold for around 4-6 mil (price last checked using owl on 7/2/19) Check out my guide! [MEDIA]
Hey! I give a range of prices to let people know the lowest they can buy items for and also the highest people are selling them for. I leave it up...
The weapon scrolls are ATT. If any scroll is for ACC then it will be written alongside it!
Hey guys! I'm back to updating the scroll guide hopefully weekly if not every other week! This guide takes a lot to fund since I usually owl...
Yes, I dropped the saddle as well. The dropped saddle quest just popped up. I can't redo the quest because it doesn't pop up and it just says...
Ign: Shayxdaisuki Problem: I'm trying to get silver mane, but my hog was from old source so the quest was stuck. I forfeited all quests and even...
IGN : Shayxdaikira Problem : My item is gone Details: I had a green int +11 bandana I traded it to my new character who was lvl 19 while I was...
Welcome <3
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