Sure thing! I have pmed you in game but you were offline. I will be online again in abt 12 hours time. hope to catch you around then!
[ATTACH] S> 2.6b | FCFS Accepting 5 CS/WS or Trade with 7/1 FS
SOLD - for a/w in game ~ closed.
s/b 3.2b A/w 3.6b Accepting CS/WS/BCoins/Trade UPs Only - LF> big bois to finish this project [ATTACH]
Traded away. Post closed.
Sorry just sold it in my fm shop . Will close the post thanks! ⚡️
bump bump. A/w dropped to 3.9b .
no probz bud! cheers. c/o 0~
Thanks! S/b accepted. Selling in 24 hours +-
LOWERED PRICES - :chillin:
Potentially 31TMA with 30%s 23TMA with 60%s S/b 1.7b a/w 2.4b Selling in a few day's time. HP washing goodness [ATTACH]
s/b: 3.8b a/w: 4b No downgrade. Accept bcoins and CS/ws (500m) :sammyhey: [ATTACH]
bump bump!
s/b 1.5b , a/w 2b ~ WS/CS = 500m Each. [ATTACH]
Am interested in Baba blue and red rose label ring. My ign is Metador. Thanks!
bump! someone pls take it away and ~cs it ~f2
bumppp !
edit* cancelling my offer. bought 1 from FM. might be yours.
bump - Dropped s/b to 6.5b, a/w 7b!
Traded for 7wa FS + 1.7b ~
Not sure if this post is still active but I would really appreciate some help as well! Job: Dark Knight Level: 137 Current HP: 12788 (before hb)...
Separate names with a comma.