I like how the guy's English fairly rapidly improves when he realizes playing dumb isn't working
As usual, the trolling on MapleRoyals is the trolling equivalent of gas station sushi.
I did a cursory search for pre-BB servers and decided that Royals looked functional. Private servers are a mess regardless of game, so that was...
I enjoy the Ludibrium quests, even the "kill 999 of..." and ones that involve going up and down Eos Tower, because I find the scenery/music so...
and that's why I don't sell leech
My defining rude Royals experience was when I was grinding at skeles, and someone (@Lamperouge, actually) looted a sparta without asking or saying...
people who refuse to be rationalized or compromised with: why?
I honestly don't know. Experiment and post here as to how it works out for you.
i see a tarantula, i reflexively smash the follow button edit: I mean because I want to see more tarantulas, you monsters
soft cookies are flat nasty crispy cookie master race
what if i don't want to be a real person what if i want to become a robot and play maple
I love that y'all have such enthusiasm for this, because having 92 buff icons makes me slightly anxious.
garbage fucking zebras doing their best to run ruin the greatest sport on earth
shut up, tony no one likes u
Eat yogurt or drink milk, ideally an hour and a half or so before bedtime. Unless you're lactose intolerant, in which case don't. A dark, cool...
I play Royals? jk love u all
plz don't delete my pets :(
holy shit the Buffalo Sabres somehow still have a fan
Have any of these "nice guys" or "incels" ever met a female human being? Surely they have a mother, or a sister, or a grandmother, or an aunt?
NEW PHONE HYPE you'd be excited, too, if you only bought a new phone once every seven years
Separate names with a comma.