But it gives normal stats + WA?
Okie thanks! Any idea on the scrolls though?
Scroll 1: [ATTACH] Scroll 2: [ATTACH] Scroll 3: [ATTACH] Scroll 4: [ATTACH] Scroll 5: [ATTACH] Item 1: [ATTACH] Item 2: [ATTACH]...
bumpp ~
Buying at a rate of 1:3.5 ~ Items: Overall - Green Celebration Hanbok (Male) - 3.5k NX - Paying 12.25M (12,299,999) Shoes - Black Dress Shoes...
I'll buy Row 3: 2/3/4 Row 4: 2/3 PM me ur ingamename, or PM me ingame ~ egaM
As my post says ~ ( U offer )
How much are you asking for it?
10m ~
Buying maple skanda between 49/51 WA. PM me ingame or post below ~ ( U offer ) Will update forums when i found a seller! Ingamename = torraC...
Selling (2) 7 WA gloves Both 0 slots. Got 1 Purple and 1 White Offer below or in PM when i get online ~ ign torraC S/B - 5M C/O - ~ A/W - 18M
Ahh okie, then i understand it! Thanks for all the help!:)
But i can do MP Washing Take one point out of MP. Put it back into MP. Do steps 1 and 2 as many times as you'd like. It just costs more AP...
Hey i got a little question, i just saw ur guide for the 200nd time and i still really like it, But i do got a question, let's say i start hp...
Nickname: Kev Timezone: GMT +1 ( dutch IGN Main: feihT How active are you?: Like 5-6 hours a day, sometimes more sometimes less. Tell us more...
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