I'd love to seriously discuss how to go about getting my account back.
Thats funny, I stopped playing before I got banned because that was the only way to have a CHANCE at getting the meso for HT MBs while it was...
and now that i think about it MoskyMule is on a different account since its my HS mule. -__- too many accounts to keep track of *sigh*
I havent played in like 2 years lol i have MoskyxLordz NL, MoskyMule Bishop, and i really cant remember what other characters i made on this...
Your Character Names: MoskyxLordz Last thing you did: not sure probably hene hoe? Why do you think you got banned?: no idea Ban message when...
Haha yeah I'm just gonna be a TT20 user for lyfeee or at least till HT is fixed lmaoo
RIP wish I could be the lucky guy that bought TT30 for 800m :(:(
Updated c/o's Bumped
[MEDIA] SOLD 1.6b(4WS) ign sirRoger [MEDIA] SOLD 1.03b ign OnlyEric :D
[MEDIA] Offer s/b 800m
for how much? jw
c/o on taru totem? ill offer 250m
B> other iTCG items leave name and price ty :D
definitely hold on to it if u want more than 50m bought 2 for 20m 45 att 7 luk so unless its clean and purp no Bs comin from a unscrolled skanda
Looking for clean purple work gloves to make godly or already godly ones :) IGN: MoskyxLordz
4 ATT 4 SLOT Pink Gaia Cape for sale offer.. c/o 170m IGN: MoskyxLordz
more than mesos i would love a zhelm but need a group with HB :( ign: MoskyxLordz
Separate names with a comma.