Oh Boston bruins dont like Montreal Canadians lol
Also I want to reiterate. Im a level 117 Priest and Im finding it difficult to progress. Priests at some point will need some funding to continue....
I agree with Rhynhardt. Bishop is definitely "easier" to train. And its a good asset to have in your character selection. People always need...
My favorite ban appeal isnt even for Royals. Its for Runescape and I'd share it but Id probably get in trouble with how vile it is xD Racism,...
Im kinda biased as a Bishop ;P But from what I recall all three are on even playing field for the most part thanks to ultis. However I/L has...
Montreal Canadians so yeah the NHL. We have a local CHL team in Saguenay the Chicoutimi Saguenéens so I watch them too.
Oh wow, Hi, I was just making a joke, I know hockey isnt as popular as major sports in America or in the world but its Canadian and I like it :3...
Arent they all right now? :P
One of my favorites
I just finished installing so if anyone wants to play send me a whisp
As Joong said MapleRoyals has a great community!
Kind of a half introduction ;P I was active 3 years ago and played a lot but due to a broken pc and not having money to replace it, I was gone for...
Hello! Im from Canada as well. Saguenay in Quebec. Im glad this place is still around <3 its been 3 years since Ive been here and hope you have fun!
Was it? I cant remember lol
Contribution doesnt work yeah. You get it from leveling, and i think if i remember correctly pqing with guildies
Do you mean Contribution? Like the points stuff? Im not entirely sure if it works. Could be wrong though.
Friended :)
Friend Request sent :)
Friend Request Sent
My friends got in on the guild and we decided to remake lool
Mochi is a friendly and socially focused guild, that i recently made with my friends. We are looking for friendly and active members of all levels...
3 ~ 14 Pro af
I'll look into them :)
Lol I like seth rogen
Separate names with a comma.