This techno song from way back. [MEDIA]
S> 91/19 Perf RC S/B: 27b A/W 29b S> BFC 11 WA S/B: 2.7B A/W 3.2B S> FS 9 WA S/B: 4.1B A/W 4.4B Accepting: ~cs 500m ~ws 500m ~bcoin 1b (buyer...
Before any major changes come to the game. The community should have a say in it. Make a poll before a change has been implemented. In that way,...
The big question is.. Will Pink Bean be defeated at 1 day? MonkaS
I think the whole UI of the forum should be updated. Gives me a very old & outdated vibe. Certainly, there are better options and new tools out...
[MEDIA] Sodapoppin has a very sus background image hmmmm.... I wonder where he got the inspiration from. ~f18
Why doesn't this server do marketing? I mean advertise and reach out to players who doesn't know about Maple? Note: I don't know if this is...
In 1621 Gothenburg was founded in Sweden
Royals should add "stocks", where people can invest their "messos" and get more mesos or lose a bunch.
Men driver du människa!
Funny thing is, there are people who've been voting since 2013, every day. And the way I see it is, there is no end goal. There are people with...
Thank you. Much love.
When are we going to see Pink Bean?
I have been a staff member in many other games and achieved management roles within these other games and something that really stood out and this...
Would this count xD? [MEDIA] & 7heft his boss pq video. If not then I'd say: Cygnus garden & [MEDIA]
ALL Your Character Names: FeeisGoodMan, xDrugS, Jentai, Zakdoritos, Chairgod, Chairgod2, Last thing you did: Sold items in my shop (FM) Why do...
My guy, I accidently once NPC'd a +35 INT doros robe and I couldn't get it back. So I'm going to say what staff told me. Absolutely not. :)
I was once down 150,000$ in stock investments.
It is something you mentally have to get used to. We have all been there, we've all overcomed that mental issue with leeching yourself or someone...
Make a bisop, sell leech. You can make 1b a day if you're mentally strong. Highest I've made in a day as a Bishop is 1.5b. :)
So long story short, I have always been in love with the "Absolute Ring Chair" and always wanted it on my main character. in 2018-2019 when Chair...
[MEDIA] Been listening all day to this song that just dropped.
Back in those days I didn't even think of exploits or anything in that direction. It was just pure fun to mess with people. Today I'd probably...
Separate names with a comma.