Sorry I’m barely getting on now , ign boi4life209 , contact me when you’re online , thank you
Ok I can do 3.5B . I most likely wont be online until server reset time today , so let me know what time works best for you . Thank you !! :D
Hello , would you be interesting in trading your 12/0 att FS for 11/0 + 3B ?
I can be online at anytime and have meso ready and on hand . IGN : boi4life209
Ok 10att FS + 2.5B in meso
Would you trade 10att FS + 2B meso for your 11att FS ?
That is ok , I have the meso available , I was just curious . Thank you though , will be in the loop
I’ll do S/B . Please let me know when bidding is over
3.4b for RC . Please let me know when it ends
A/W !!!
B> 80 ATT Red Craven ! PM here or in game IGN: boi4life209
Will offer 2.1B
I can offer 13 ATT work gloves + 2.1B
Are you open to downgrading the FS + Meso ? Looking to offer you 4 Att FS + 1.5B Meso
Do you still need ? I am selling . Feel free to message me in game at boi4life209
Selling some nice yellow snowshoes ! 8 INT and 6 DEX Clean !! Currently in my shop ch1 fm9 S/B: 1.3 B A/W: 1.8B shoot me offers !
Selling Gen 20 for 1.4B ! Cheapest in the game! Whisper me ign boi4life209 or visit my shop at ch 1 room 17 fm ! :D
I am selling for 1.4B . Cheapest in the FM . Shop is up in ch 1 room 17 if you still need
Whisper me boi4life209
selling the following 4th job books Chain Lightning 30 Snatch 30 Brandish 30 Paralyze 30 Boomerang step 30 Leave offers here or whisper me ign:...
I have chain lightning 30 for sell . IGN: boi4life209 Shoot me an offer
Sorry , Pacific time . I'm from California USA lol
Ok I'll take one . My ign is Boi4life2o9 . I will be on today around 7pm
Still have any shadow shifter 30's left ? If so what's your price please ? I'm very interested
Separate names with a comma.