bump. forum c.o 2.7 selling in 12hrs again!
13int white rac mask c/o 2.6 aw 3b
bump! C/o 2.6 AstutoBish. Selling in 12hrs
would like to buy slime tank chair! ign lancebyte
bump! lowered
Bump, updated some prices, and sold some stuff. Shop at 1-22 fm top mid under Lancebyte c/o on 6int/5slot rac mask is 1.1bil, selling in couple...
C/O 1.1bil by Derp -SOLD AW 1.3bil. Selling at 3pm pdt today 7/26/2021 if no other bids. Ign lancebyte (1-22 top mid ish spot) afked
Bump, updated some prices, and sold some stuff. Shop at 2-7 fm top mid under Lancebyte
SB 3.4 ign Lancebyte
SOLD for 2b coins+850m ign: Lancebyte sell after 12hr uncontested bid
30tma (11int/19matk) maple shield for 1.7b and 9int lvl35 rac mask 900m if interested.
bump! need mesos for gach!
bump! lower aw to 900!
AW 900m ign:Lancebyte
still trading? have pimp chair
Bump, updated some prices, and sold some stuff. Shop at 1-21 fm mid far right
Bump, updated some prices, and sold some stuff. Shop at 1-18 fm bottom far right
i will sb it.
bump, updated sales and AW and added some more items!
Bumped, lower sb
9int/18matk maple shield 1b, 11int/8matk ywg 1bil if interested.
S>27tma (9int/18matk) for 1b if interested
As titled SB:4.7b, AW 5.5b Will sell in 48hrs uncontested bid!
Separate names with a comma.