I'm looking forward to it! Been waiting for a global release for so long I thought it wouldn't even get one. Obviously very different from the...
If you're interested, the gender doesn't matter. It's not a ''man's job'' to advance, don't complain as a lady if you're single when you refuse to...
Boatrides and chillin ;) On the way to do some delicious duo grinding! [IMG]
The thing is, this kind of hype dies down really quickly. 2nd world/server wipe has been quite the topic recently. As I've wrote before, I don't...
[IMG] Gachagods have smiled upon me :D
Gambling at Gachapon, gambling with 60% scrolls (with great success), thinking of new items at obscure locations to farm for fun and the good old...
Buff all the PQs! Not only the exp but some extra rewards that make it more appealing.
Even with a new world, the ''meta'' and how the game is right now would be the case for the new world sooner or later aswell. I don't really see...
When you've been ''at the top'' for a longer time, a fresh start can feel nice - I've done it quite a few times on Maple. But when you've just...
I have this same issue too. Can't play the game at all for now ): I hope it'll get resolved soon with an updated exe!
No way. If enough people vote from a big guild, you can outcast people by banning and/or threatening to ban them. This kind of a system would...
I don't mind if it stays. I'm one of those players who don't want to get leeched. For me, about 80% of my fun of playing Maple is experiencing...
Royals sure is a funny server to someone who's very used to grinding and thoroughtly enjoys it. Besides hp washing, it's a shame to see this is...
If you can't be bothered to keep track of the time when you farm with such a method, it's all on you. In my opinion the map owner time should not...
Why does everything have to be obtained from popular leeching/leveling spots? Going to somewhere else for once won't kill you. Keep it as it is.
Bishop both in old patches and newer ones (revamped skills). I like my buffs and I've always loved training with heal :)
You guys really are making a chicken out of a feather. Be realistic, boat rides aren't something that'll make a big amount of players quit, or...
Separate names with a comma.