plz find PersianLover
Active time is Hongkong time 9:30 ~ 11:30, 14:00 ~ 18:00, 20:00 ~ 23:00
Great, when your are free, find me at cc5 fm, pm PersianLover
Lower s/b
IGN: AngoraLover / PersianLover / NeoHero / NeoHermit Category: SPOOK-TACULAR Details: Bleach(Anime) cosplay AngoraLover ( 破面(アランカル) PersianLover...
Added s/b
[ATTACH] s/b 1.7b a/w 2b or 4ws or 4cs Accept Coin / Meso
Offer 1.5b
All sold, happy to close this post.
Offer 4ws accepted, complete trade in game whenever you ready!
Great ! Will sell in 3 days.
Updated sold information.
Updated a/w information
Will sell end of this week if no more bid coming, please be ready at week ends. Accept cs/ws meso coin.
Lower a/w, added c/o 3.6b
Buyer withdraw he self scrolled better one
Will sell after my vacation, back at 18 Sep.
Please contact me on forum/discord who ever did bid 2b , forgot to write down your ign.
ele5 bid 2b in game
Bump add new item
Character making the trade: PersianLover Main Character: RagdollLover ServalLover NeoHero PersianLover All Character: ignore too many Forum...
Separate names with a comma.