Well, I'm glad it did :3 I'll go for some lonely walk in another server now.. Cya later and take care!
LOL no I wasn't that rich, it was around 10mill I think, like half of my money that time >.> I still got the red whips in my inventory XD
I mean as in breaking server rules and such :3 And I know he wasn't gonna pay me back >.> I don't really chase people for money I lend them, if I...
RUDE! >;0 Jk, thank you! I miss hanging around you as well :/ Help me tell Danny his debt is off, and take care! Don't do stupid stuff like I did ;)
Ahh I see.. In the recent update I suppose? :0
Umm, if I'm not wrong, this wasn't required for me and my friends when we decided to go hunting Capt. Just get a white essence from the monsters...
Yeah, I suggest you start from the beginning so you don't derp out when you reach certain chapters. The latest chapters are a complete turn off...
"Hey guys I can't login it says master at IP what should I do am I banned or what please help" is what a lot of players ask on Shoutbox whenever...
Welcome to Royals! Hope you enjoy your stay and if you ever need help, don't hesitate to post in the forums. I'm sorta knowledgeable in some areas...
I'm the one without the Mr, nubcifer. Yeah cool guild ain't it? XD
Yeah Hoonie, I'm perma'banned. I wanted to celebrate my birthday with you guys on 1st August in the server, but I think I can't now. Sorry for...
Yeah, tho we seldom talked after that LOL Grats on 190 btw! Gawd, I tried a v1.48 server, got to level 200 in several hours. I didn't feel...
You too, Scott! Let's skype some time soon, and take care! I'll still be here so it ain't a farewell, derp. lol
Take care as well, mate. I wanted to be an attacker for Zak together with you too.. But well, it's over for me. Had a nice time with you ever...
Perhaps! It saddens me to go as well tho, but I've to. Could someone help me to inform Delightful from Legendary to kick me from guild and help me...
Has this issue been fixed yet? It's still happening from what I remember a few days ago.
As what Sila said. Can this issue be fixed tho? It's been going on for quite a while. Sorry if it's already been asked.
LOL Dude that made me lol'ed. You as well, mate. It was short, but I had fun with you! Don't break the rules again, aye? XD
Why are you guys so strict about this? The rules are too harsh. Edit: Never mind. I think the rules are harsh for the server's own good even...
Why are you guys so strict about this? The rules are too harsh.
Alright I'm done. I just have 1 request. Can I start a new character here? I promise I will be more careful this time around. Thank you, and...
The reason I accepted the request was because I was kinda hard up on money for my neccessities. And I'm saying this again, I didn't mean to inject...
Can I request for a 7 day ban to repent my actions, please. I was looking around for some nice rate nostalgic server and this caught my eye and I...
Matt, this doesn't make sense. So you don't care whether if it's an accident? How would you feel if you accidently commited a crime and got a life...
Any update? I really want to login and use my bike :(
Separate names with a comma.