unfortunately it didnt work :(
I just reinstalled mapleroyals after 2-3 months and when I press the mapleroyals icon I get an error (pic below) why does this happen? what can I do?
Taiwan no.3271
Taiwan no. 3769
yes, send me pm so we can log in the same time and trade :)
I still have, how many do you need? wanna set a time so we can trade? im not online that much lol
Im so frustrated this thing is nearly impossible...how did you guys go through this jq, Im so bad at it!
Yes I pm you
13m each Accept mesos and coins Thanks!
still selling?
even finishing only the first stage grants you a box?
what is the best way to get those? Im the worst ever at jump quests so its not a good option :(
we didnt meet in game, would you like to make an offer?
2str 2dex 73att clean
what are the odds to get a chair if you pay?
thanks but I dont need it anymore, thread closed :)
2.4 scg
title, offer please
2.3b here
level 38 overall for magican 10 int clean thanks!
Separate names with a comma.