To be honest, I have been playing AFK for over two years now and it's hard for me to remember how I got my mesos/items . So if there's any clue, I...
I need some substantial evidence. Thank you.
I created my account in 2016/2017 some meso from leech some items from Boss running idk when did i soliciting rwt? Just because I lent my katana...
All Your Character Names: TeaLeung LeungTea RichLeung Last thing you did: just loggin a while many month ago Why do you think you got banned?: idk...
off white 570m
s/b off white
sry,i forget close the thread,alrealy sold in game
Yes, if there are no more offer
yes,but offer plz~f11
13 bfc S/b:5b A/w:6b 12 fs S/b:9.5b A/w:10b WS/CS as 500m Apples as 8m :p
I mean, if you can right click to cancel, why can't you cancel with key? That's more convenient, right?>:(
;) Maybe it would be better to manually cancel Dark Sight when you receive stuns
Anyway,dark sight can be canceled (what ever normal attack or any another key)during stunned is more health of shads.Why i have to click my dark...
smg me when u P/C done.
Why u always not online LOL
i m here brb,at u around
S/B again LOL
B>Perfect Clean Dragon Khanjar 8/22 B>wand7 190+ Leave ur offer plz
still selling?
can i get ur ign for contact in game?
still sell 191wand7?
Sorry, I need to withdraw my SB. Gl for sell.
Separate names with a comma.