The blacklist RoyalTip would be cool for scams. Also some like: "Dont put anything in your Wish list" or bug related would be fine, until we got...
When i first joined Royals a really bad lag kicked in the server, people were complaining that the lag problem wasn't there a few days ago from...
Add Sheby, im friendly i swear
Free Market, i can give you one for free, just pm Sheby
Give me your ign, so i can whisp you
bumpin this coffin
Will some of the bugged Quests (Like drops that doesn't drop) be fixed?
Bump, nobody has whispered me :,( I'm ugly
I have been in there a lot of times, even by accident. It should work, check in other channels Ninja'd by Egonics...
Well.. Autumn has an higher offer, i can't log until tomorrow, so ...
What about clay models? Can i take them a photo and upload it?
I love the danger of being almost 1HKO'd, i don't like standing just pressing one button. Also, Wild boars is disgusting, or at least in the...
Try doing quests, or go to FOG (I actually did that), if you maxed the kick it will be easier. But Temple of Golem works better, you can actually...
@Moderato The Skis are yours, add me In Game. C/O for the Khanjar updated
What a shame ;C Somebody buy it!
@inversion Sorry, i have some problems with my internet. The Khanjar is yours, add me ingame :)
Updated Now i sell other things (Damn, this thread is old)
Joke Topic.
lol! Didn't even checked the date, my bad haha. Still, if anyone wants that glove, just give me a whisp. I don't need it haha
I can give you a 6 att 1 Luk Lunar Glove for freez. Just add me in-game: Sheby
Separate names with a comma.