I can read lmao just kind of over it, like others but all we can do is wait but still allowed to voice our frustrations
Not gonna lie, kinda sick of hearing soonTM lmao, I believe we deserve an ETA but not an official....
Is control panel releasing with this update or how much longer do we have to wait?
oof alright
Messaged and no response so far.
Hey ya'll I've been apart of the community since 2014, and I'm recently coming back and FINALLY got the client to work and I remembered my login...
Haven't been here in FOREVER, but congrats guys!
You're welcome! :)
1) Name: Brandon 2) Age: 22 3) IGN: Crabs 4) Origin of IGN: Seafood? 5) Level & Job: 138 NL 6) Country/State: Canada 7) How long have you been...
IGN: Fathom (Soon to be new main) Level: 30 Class: F/P Mage Age: 22 How long you’ve been playing on Royals: 2-2.5 years What Guilds you’ve been...
Sitting right in front of ya in the fm ;p
Name:Brandon Age:22 Ingame Name:Crabs Level/Class:137 NL Location:Canada Give us a bio of yourself: I can't really say much, considering I hate...
Maybe you're right, but also there is a lot of things missing on this server that represents Nostalgia like some party quests, certain maps and...
Tonight made my 24th, which is actually hilarious
The hilarious thing is, after checking I FINALLY got my orb..................... lol
Oh, should be now. Thanks! Also when is it being added that if done 25 times, we can get missing material? Just curious
It actually tells you when you can help again, not how many you've done it.
the event ends in a week, das not helpful! ~f4
Pretty sure it ends the 18th, so if you do it the next 6 days you'll be good.
Just wondering when this is happening. @Katsuruka
wooo sounds great :)
How do you know exactly how many times you did it? I'm not sure if I have or not but I worked a LOT over the past month, and I really want the...
I hope one does get made, soon. Not to sound pushy, I'm just really frustrated and its been like a month and I have more than 1 character and have...
Separate names with a comma.