Just some random troubleshooting steps: Maybe try Windows XP for compatibility check (lol) For your displays try using 60hz or less instead of...
Looks like they fixed it now: [IMG]
I wasn't thinking of having a forums added to the scope baucse we already have this forum. :P The only functions I was thinking of are auth,...
I miss the good ol days where I used put my items on basil and either let people auction or buy it. Good times. So my questions are the following:...
A lot of quantity and people are trying to sell it. In order to sell quickly they set the value lower than the cheapest seller. For the price to...
IGN is mattsupichu. Unfortunately I don't have WS/CS either
I'll buy the fs for 2.5b. I would also buy the bfc but I don't have enough in b coins :(
Are blue heart balloons still available?
IGN: mattsupichu What other IGNs/characters do you have: n/a Location and/or timezone: Eastern Time UTC-5 Why do you want to join Dusk: Looking...
Last thing you did: No idea its been at least a year since I've last played. Why do you think you got banned?: Same ^ Ban message when attempting...
[IMG] Perfect staff is +8 int sadly
When I talk to Fredrick, he gives me the wrong fm spot. My spot is in ch2 fm5 but fredrick says its in ch1 fm5. I have attached a video to help...
Separate names with a comma.