:D 133 att Dragon Claymore still available
can pm me in game ign SoftCraft
a/w 18b for the 14 att VL boots
16.5b for the 14 att VL boots
120 att Flame Sword [ATTACH] S/b 2b ~ A/w 2.5b SOLD: S/b 2b @CindyTsai 133 att Dragon Claymore [ATTACH] S/b 3b ~ A/w 4b SOLD : S/b 3b @Jack~Soar...
a/w 30b for the 135 att 27 STR Flame Sword
ready to trade can pm me in game ign SoftCraft
a/w 55b for the 44 att Dragon Khanjar
oo WOW
3/3/2/5 2 clean EP [ATTACH] S/b 2.5b ~ A/w 3b _____________________________________ Accepting: [IMG] ~cs= 500m ~ws= 500m ~miracle= 300m I...
17.5b for the 20 att SCG
119 att KC + 20b for the 123 att DSC
119 att KC + 19b for the 123 att DSC
S/b 119 att KC + 18b for the 123 att DSC
a/w 2.1b for the 120 att Flame Sword
2.5b for the 121 att Flame Sword
s/b 2.3b for the 121 att Flame Sword
Separate names with a comma.