S/b 8bil A/w 10bil
B>90+att maple wagner message me offer
im not even sure if i got banned or not this just pops up when i try to login (This is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection)
i think i did CPQ1 i was a CPQ1 seller ign was BonzfighterZ i have no reason to get banned and haven't been on that account for about 1 year or so...
what format what do you mean?
hi gm i tried to login to my account and when i do its says this is an id that has been deleted or block from connection i don't understand why...
is this still available and what's the c/o
S/b 10b a/w 15bil
P/C on 205 tma Elemental wand 6
ill buy ROA for a/w pm me 3.2bil right? my ign LiteWizardX1 furom xxdrakexx
ign LiteWIzardX1
Ill buy ROA 4.5bil
ill buy whats your ign mine is LiteWizardX1
Pm me in furom xxdrakexx or in game ign LiteWizardX1
B>30 tma Lapiz sandals mage shoes offering 8.5-10bil B>krex ring service pm here or in game LiteWIzardx1
ill but the dark starlight for 4bil pm back
my offer 7.5bil
ill buy what's your s/b and a/w
my offer on ROA 5int 6luk 4.2bil
my offer for roa 5int 6luk 4.2bil
my offer 3bil
roa my offer 3bil
Separate names with a comma.