Since I've seen many around 600/700m, here you have it for 1ws
I've wasted like 50+ ws = 138/2slots so far. I'd buy it :( P.S @up SI MULEE OP
S>pyramide chair a/w 1ws
whats a/w ?
garbage concerto how much each?
just contact me in game or leave details stats/price ign: JAC30K/GorkyParked
[IMG] I have alson ran into a problem.
[IMG] [IMG] There was no trace of me doing this quest at all, I've retrived the missing "etc." Sorry for bothering. CLOSED
IGN: JAC30K Problem: On one of my mules "Gasti - SE mule" quest "Savior of Ulu City" has been wiped, I wouldn't mind to do it again, but since...
wariaciki :D
3GMT, read patch notes
I've bought it :)
3ws gun
:( HOW RICH ARE YOU :( 3.25b
3.1b claymore actually i hate this
conctact in game: GorkyParked/JAC30K or simply send a message.
Sold to Miiii [IMG]
Hi, I've been dc'ing on Krexel, several times, once it was because server lag, some people dc'ed in the same time (according to chat) some issues...
thank you for information :D
I could trade it for [IMG]
[IMG] Taking offers, not a quick sale. I would like to trade it for some perfectly scrolled 1h sword or stonetooth Auto Win: 33 white scrolls...
B>92att+ Pyrope 1h Swords (clean) 25m each
Separate names with a comma.