Embrace a/w it for 3.7b
Are you on now?
That's 1am for me unfortunately haha, so nope! Could you get on any sooner in the evening perhaps?
I've not long hopped off unfortunately! Traded the other guy already. Are you on right now?
Okay, cool. 12 BFC to Embrace (ign?) for a/w 3.7b 12 PGC to Corbin (ign?) for a/w 3.7b What are your names in game? Also, payment in B coins, but...
What's your ign? Are you online?
Embrace said he would A/W first, after your bid unfortunately. Would you offer more? I have the PGC to sell too.
Haven't sold it yet, but two replied before you. Happy for you to buy it for a/w if the other two don't reply as they got there first. I have 2...
Nope, haven't sold it yet, although someone messaged before you so waiting for a reply.
Do you mean you'll buy for the a/w?
Noted! You bidding on PGC or BFC?
Bump! Also selling 12 atk PGC. Same pricing.
Traded for 12/0 BFC, S>
9 att 3 slot BFC 11/1 BFC Traded for a 12/0 BFC so now selling this. s/b 3.4b a/w 3.7b Will sell a couple hours after bid, when I'm online. Pref...
Hi there! Thanks for trying to help I tried the second one and that hasn't helped. I don't see that option when I right click Royals on task...
Hi, I find that when I alt-tab out of Royals, perhaps if I'm multi-clienting for example, when I go back my client is just flashing black and I...
Hi there, Looking to buy a high attack Faltizan, 138-140+. Let me know what you have and the sort of price you're looking to sell for. Thanks! :D
As the title suggests, current P/C on 140+ Falt would be appreciated! :)
Hi there, This still available? :)
Your Character Names: Pinnacle (Pinnacie), Memklutz (both MemkLutz and MemKiutz), Scupper, and a few others but these are the main ones I use!...
IGN: ThunderIce (thunderice) Reason: Entered into event Balloon PQ, only to afk the entire run. Details: As stated above, he was afk during the...
PMed NielsR and had to withdraw offer-- best of luck finding someone my dude. <3
So 3 days time or so? I should be good to wait up for you :) lmk your IGN on here when ya can and we can sort something out!
Separate names with a comma.