Wish I could be there Sami :(
It doesn't matter..? Well, it matters to me as to why it is seen as major abuse? If it doesn't matter it seems as if there isn't good enough...
Well... My ban is for hacking, not account sharing. So, I'm banned for something I didn't do, anyhow. But if I am I being banned now for account...
Would like to understand why it is deemed as major abuse.
I do believe for it being a "second offense" would be me getting in trouble twice for doing this. This is my first offense regardless of me being...
First offense, which is this, is a 30 day ban according to the terms and conditions. It says "major abuse" COULD be a perm ban. This isn't MAJOR...
When people account share, they don't do it just once, anyway. It wasn't a frequent thing. I was on the account twice. Once for gatch, and then I...
Account sharing isn't a permanent ban.
I had her consent for taking the items, while we both temporarily quit she told me that if I wanted the items back that I could take it. So I...
Character Name: Hefty Last thing you did: LPQing with other characters Why do you think you got banned?: I went on someone's account and took...
I remember first meeting you in XIII, it was a pleasure knowing you even though we barely talked these last weeks or months even. I wish you the...
Do you have another?
The only thing I regret is that I didn't met you sooner. I loved all of our conversations and I'm sure there will be many more to follow on skype....
Best of luck Stacy, dont be a stranger!
This seems awfully familiar..
Goodbye Medi! Best of luck in life to you :) Mitch (if you remember)
Goodbye Aly, take care with everything in your life. Hopefully we'll meet again
I'll miss you Dean!
Must've looked over it haha, see you sami :)
Not even a little word for me? :( Kidding, best of luck to you in life Sami. I'm glad I met you, hopefully I'll see you soon.
How about you try and see for yourself
Joining Tuesday and Wednesday for sure, if you need someone last minute on Sunday i might be able to join
You dont need this!
[IMG] #DseaHT ROUND 36 has again slain the giant lizard with little arms. The Squad: (The ones that made it long enough) Melee: nottiboi (19x...
Als dit ooit geupdate wordt: Hefty, 179 Dark Knight
Separate names with a comma.