Add this item for all boss from Neo Tokio !
+1 i like archers !
lvl for nx? , wow i like this !
By the way, I would propose 300 and not 200, just for more pleasure (Homer Simpson) :sammymug:
I have no idea that if one day this happens, it will depend on new content in the future, well if it comes out, sarcastically speaking, here for...
ohhh shiitttt :c what pain bro ! that doesn't hurt, it burns, it hurts and deteriorates ! :C
GL pro!
try change cc , 10 tikets or more , random cc , next 10 or 20 , random cc
I would like to have the final battle against the cygnus masters, that is, on each map, each one drops a piece of a key, for a seal or a lock and...
all skys destrolled for 30% scrolls , i close this !
notting , you can offer anything
Give me whatever, I don't know how much they are worth, they already told me how much it is worth, but I surrender to the market, hence your will...
go go go offer me :3
time to hunt new bosses , yeehaww ohh u are new , check rules pls
for all?
offert me ! :v , drk class is die?? oO
no problem, price is adjustable!
Well it depends on how much you can give me, the price can be adjusted, I was thinking of dropping them, but my friends tell me to sell them, so...
Account Sharing - The act of sharing the use your account, sharing account information with any other individual, or the act of logging into or...
Daaaam brother, if you wanted to pay attention to the details, it would be good for you, imagine how you would be in real life, susceptible to...
Separate names with a comma.