Your Character Names: As long as I remember I have : WarwickS, WarwickS, FenderPJBass, FenderPJBass, xVimaar Last thing you did: / Why do you...
Hi, After getting hacked like yesterday, I heard nothing can be done to me because it's not from a breach of Maple Royals. I got apologizes,...
IGN: WarwickS Problem: Account hacked by hacker and many equipments lost. Detail: Started in 2018, never had a problem until now. Spent alot of...
Bump. Ps : The cape and the bow are sold out. I wish I could sell my shoes for 1.4b ( or trade for magician gears ), if interested, whisper or...
Okay so it's 2 CS + 1.7b, right ? I'll try to be here in 7 hours then, at 3.30PM servertime. :) And again, do not hésitante to whisper me in game.
So it's 2.7b for both ? Okay then, aswell for CS as 510m. So how would you pay ? I mean, how many CS and pure money ? And tell me when you're...
Hi. Im selling 15att stormcaster gloves for 850m, and 10att cape for 2b too. If you get no answer from NANI1, i'm okay for 1.9b though.
Hi, I'm selling those items, cuz i'm quitting my attacker. :) Feel free to offer, I have nothing atm. [IMG]
Thanks for your answer ! I hope he will be free soon then. Good luck for the future, I'll keep waiting. :D
Congrats @Inugami and @Kenny ;) I had a question though. I saw you guys reverted Shadower's changes in this patch, but there is nothing about...
Ops, I forgot to close this thread. I found a 125 one for 1b few days ago. Thanks for your offer though ! Have a nice day!
Do we know when the SA revert will be updated ?
Okay, I bought it. Thanks alot mate, I couldn't find any 125 bow these days. :( Now I just wait the SA skill to be reverted, then I'll play my BM...
You can set it to 1.03 yup. It doesn't matter. I'll buy it in few hours.
Hey, I came back home abit later, but I'm still online. so tell me when you're on. Or maybe we could do it later. You could even make a shop with...
Thanks @Sha ! ;) @Veen, I buy, what is your ign ? And when are you online ? :D Mine is PJBass and I can log in between 5.15 and 5.30PM server...
Bump I can go with 900m for 125 or 1.3b for a 126. It seems fair. Else, feel free to tell me your attack bow and your price. :)
I can't wait for the [buff/nerf] to be reverted. I stopped playing Maple Royals until then. I keep voting, but I only connect to the game...
Hey, as title says, I'm buying a Nisrock with 125 att. I have no clue about it's actual price so feel free to offer. Thanks. :)
Sorry but, again, make something about HP washing. So that more players can access VL and PB. :)
I already asked for this in suggestion section, and it was rejected. I know it'll never happen on Royals, but still, I give you my biggest like. :)
What a smart idea! Love it.
Separate names with a comma.