Hi welcome to mapleroyals!
I don't even know how to wash.....
Hey coco nice to meet you!, I'l add you in game the next time I'm on!. My name's Mike btw~
I think it would be a neat idea for gach tickets to drop from monsters, at a low rate of course. Something like at the same rate as nx 100 cards...
Thats awesome dude!, seriously good luck!.
Nice to meet you Reed, my name is Mike and I'l send you a buddy request next time I'm on. IGN: HeroRezzed
Well geez dude, I will definitely add in what I can soon then. Since I am enjoying the server and i do appreciate the hard work you put in it...
I like the new system because it looks like a sleeker way to add bugs and get them reviewed quicker. It also takes away the unnecessary bulk of...
Here is another SS of a gach run I did in NLC, notice the ECT items i received from the machine? What could this mean!
Does the rest of the cost come out of your own pocket to keep the servers up?
Earlier today I and at least one other person, had terrible difficulty with trying to enter the cash shop. When we clicked on the button it just...
SO apparently NLC gach has some secret items that I was privy to after a recent 11 ticket run. Take a look and see if you guys can spot these...
Alright yeah I can definitely throw some down on the third. How much do you need In total to reach the monthly server cost?
This is what i got from Mush Shrine gach yesterday and It was before the change in what drops from them. I would like to re-do if that is still an...
Uhm I'm not sure how much is 5 or 10 euros in US dollars? And when exactly is the day you need donations for the monthly server costs? Because I...
SInce both Heroes and bowmasters are very different classes, It really comes down to preference. Do you like ranged attacks or melee?. Heroes have...
yeah quick sc to fix the boats and nx cards weren't working either when turned into the maple admin.
I got 2 Purple adv capes from hene gach and an untradeable lvl 35 dagger lol
Yeah if it was abusable like that I would definitely let you know. I would rather not possibly get banned from a server that I'm quite enjoying...
Heya Jo, nice to meet you!. I'm mike and if you'd like you can add me in game on HeroRezzed if you'd like someone to talk to while training or...
See that's what i mean, I dont get that message that says I already voted and i should wait XX minutes. I can literally just keep entering my...
When I voted before it had a timer that would tell me when i voted but it doesn't say it anymore for me. When i vote now, all it does is take me...
Wait what? I've never seen this timer, where is it?.
Same haha, If I'm reading the times right it should be over soon?
Wow I had no idea. Thanks!.
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