[MEDIA] Is this allowed? ^_^'
Will bringing the search owl back in free market do any help? That way people will make prices lower so as to be on the top of the search list?
はじめまして、ひみこです。 呼ぶ時は皆と同じ『ひみ』でok とりあえず寝る。。。。^_^'
Hello there, I am a luk Arch Mage (Fire/poison) and here is my thought. I am at level 173 now with 132 luk. I'm pretty sure many people think...
It is hard to do that i feel because being helpful, nice or caring does not automatically make one a good person or suddenly possess the quality...
From Users Who Have Read this Thread "Yanirz Mika acedanewb MusicMaker2003?" "Whale, Xzurii ImCanadian..." MrsPink Stan inhumanrage...
I have never sell leech before, in my entire life in royals, and I never intend to. But there are situation when I want fast mesos, one of my...
Will there be any animation upgrades in the new source for skills like fire arrow?
I wish for a Zombie invade town event :D
Being a Fire/Poison Arch Mage. I am against the idea of Fire Arrow being able to hit 3 enemies since this will take away feelings of nostalgia....
I personally feel that this would be a double edge sword, it may destroy friendships as well.
Sometimes when I get insulted/cursed or someone said something mean to me, I'll always reply with "Having a bad day?". Usually that person will...
I hated how they come up with a new class "flame wizard" which to me is a cheap fire/poison mage rip off.
I am enjoying to recreate my past epic moment and relive the journey to achieve it!
My concept of friend is more than just being there for you when you are down because almost everyone in my life will suddenly remember me when...
Separate names with a comma.