Not gonna tell me, u saw urself… ok ? What did you see ? what did the duck do ? what didn't the duck do ? what kind of evidence you have ?
Oh no, when, where, how ? I want to know
Character Name: YouDuckMySik Last thing you did: Ate spagetthis from my mom Why do you think you got banned?: Why do you think you banned me for ?...
I do
Grats on these man, i didnt manage to make some..
Close please.
Hello maplers, i Have the following items for sale. Elemental Wand 5 : 189 matt. C/O - none S/B - 2.5b A/W - 3.8b White “man” d(o)ress...
c/o 5b. GeyForLife
Shouldve wait for me to bid. Thought you said you was not in a rush and no autowin yet. This is not a good manner of selling
800 starlight 1b earrings 1.5b mask
Is it for mage......?
Have. 11att 3 slot for u
Do you like 11 att 3 slot?
Have 11 att 3 slot
I send message
This could be way better though but ok haha.
i have 11 att 3 slots. message me ingame youduckmysik
Hey guys ~ tonight I am going to sell the following item. BFC12att with 3 awesome slots left. C/O 6.4 By airwork i also accept mage eqs. (...
When I join a map and they ask me if i want to buy it. I just say no. And wait. They will leave because they needed to leave.
C/o on shield 850m ingame.
I have. 26 tma shield but its like 1.5
sorry they are sold.
Hello people, I have a 26 tma esther shield for sale. c/o 800m a/w idk yet will sell tommorow.
Separate names with a comma.